Special Sessions

Session SS1 – IoT applications in modern and emerging technologies

Modern and emerging technologies like sensing technologies, wireless sensors networks, 5G/6G networks, satellite communications links, unmanned aerial vehicle, artificial intelligence, machine learning (ML), advanced data analytics, provide the infrastructure for applications that will enable the introduction of new services in IoT domain in the numerous fields: agriculture, smart cities, healthcare, maritime surveillance, transportation/mobility, retail, smart buildings, industry 4.0, etc. Taking into account the huge amount of data that such systems generate, big data is recognized as a key technology for the possibility of IoT appropriate application. Very often, data collected by sensors is not enough reliable, since their measurements are influenced by environmental parameters which can hardly be modeled with a simple function, and it is necessary to apply more complex tools, i.e. ML. 5G mobile telecommunications systems provide an excellent infrastructure for emerging/modern applications that will enable the introduction of new services, however, 5G/6G face different types of requirements (improvement of link capacity, interference reduction, fading, more efficient handover). On the other hand, the recent advances in satellite communications, especially related to satellites in low-orbit (LEO), motivated the research community to consider the strategy of building a universal communication network (6G), which integrates LEO communication links into the 5G ecosystem, thus achieving hybrid communication. This special session aims to join the efforts of researchers, experts, technology providers and users to discuss and present the latest research findings on development and demonstration of IoT applications based on sensors, sensor networks, 5G/6G, satellite communication networks and technologies improvements to support IoT.

Topics (main topics of the special session; min 5)

– IoT applications
– AI and ML technologies in IoT
– Big data technologies in IoT
– 5G/6G improvements towards IoT
– Hybrid communications
– Satellite communication links integration into the 5G ecosystem
– Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
– Wireless sensors networks


Prof. Dr. Dejan Drajić
School of Electronic Engineering/Innovation center
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Email address: ddrajic@etf.bg.ac.rs

Dr. Ivan Vajs
Innovation center University of Belgrade, Serbia
Email address: ivan.vajs@ic.etf.bg.ac.rs