Paper presentation Authors who will present the papers (orally or by poster) are kindly requested to contact their session chairmen 5 minutes before the beginning of the session. In this way, the authors will contribute to well organization of sessions.Papers should be presented only by the authors. ORAL PRESENTATION The time for the presentation of the invited keynote papers including discussion is limited to 20 minutes.The time for the oral presentation of the regular papers including discussion is limited to 15 minutes. Overhead and video-beam projectors will be at disposal during the presentation. POSTER PRESENTATION For poster presentation, a 1m x 1m board will be provided. The Secretariat will provide the pins or tape for poster mounting. Posters should be legible from a distance of 1-2 meters. The recommended font sizes are: 30-40 mm for title, 20-30 mm for names of authors, 15-20 mm for headings and 10-15 mm for text. Clarity and brevity are very appreciated. Authors are requested to set up their posters well in advance of the starting session time and must be present throughout the whole session.